Wednesday, 4 December 2013


You have not fail until you stop trying. Failure is like fertilizer, it's the stuff success grows on.

In the Psychology of Achievement, Brian Tracy tells of some millionaire who made their fortunes by the age of 35. What's remarkable about them is that all of them have tried an average of Seventeen different things before they found the one that made them successful. This is absolutely notable, they tried and failed sixteen times before they found a way out, that's what it takes, a determination and an attitudes that refuses to quit.

Bob Gass writes: "Only when you look failure in the eye, experience it and move beyond it, will you succeed." You can never succeed if you don't fail.

I've come to believe that all my past failure and frustration were actually laying the foundation for the understandings that have created the new level of living I now enjoy.-Tony Robbins

In Leadership magazines, J. Hamilton says, 'The increase of suicides, alcoholics, and even some forms of nervous breakdown , is evidence that many people are training for success without ever been trained to handle for failure. Yet failure is far more common than success.

We are too quick to judge things as failure when they're just learning experiences. Knowing what doesn't work, moves you closer to what does.

The truth of the matter is that no one will ever succeed without failing.

We need to hear this truth everyday if we are to overcome our fear of failure and move beyond them so as to fulfill our destiny.

Here are 6 golden truth about failure.

1. Failing doesn't mean you are a failure, it just means you have not yet succeeded.
2. Failing doesn't mean you are inferior, it just means you are not perfect.
3. Failing doesn't mean you have accomplished nothing, it just means you have learn something new.
4. Failing doesn't mean you have wasted your time, it just means you have a reason to start over.
5. Failing doesn't mean you should stop trying, it just means you have to put in more effort.
6. Failing doesn't mean God has abandoned you, it just means HE has a better idea.

Understanding these 6 golden truth about failure will make you to look at it in the eye and
move beyond it.

It is only a matter of time before you start seeing result that will amaze you.

Fear doesn’t always have to be something really big and scary that we are terrified of. It can simply be the fear of making a mistake and that’s sometimes harder for us to recognize. This EBOOK will help you to learn powerful new techniques for creating the life you want... and obliterate anything that stands in your way! Face the fear and be set free from the power of failure forever

Comment below and let us learn from your experience. Your word of encouragement can help someone today.

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